Perm state medical university news letter


Perm state medical university news letter

Once a month during the academic year, the third-year English students of Students' Scientific Society of the Department of Propaedeutic of Internal Diseases performed patients' examinations, attended emergency cases and other scientific conferences were created where students need to prepare various reports and presentations as part of their learning activities at City Clinical Hospital.

This year, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and the academic courses being on distance learning, the conferences were also held online.

Niraj Mahheshwari, a fourth-year student and chairman of Students' Scientific Society made presentations for seven conferences. Six reports were prepared by Shweta Burange, a fourth-year student and co-authors with two third-year students Shahid Raja and Jana Poulomi.

Students took an active part in all the conferences to improve their academic performances.

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